Mbi 24 mijë raste me koronavirus në 24 orë në Rusi

(FILES) In this file photo taken on March 09, 2021 A medical worker holds a vial of the British-Swedish AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine during a vaccination campaign at the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo Da Vinci, which is currently hosting the anti-Covid vaccination campaign with Multimedica in Milan. - Denmark, Norway and Iceland on March 11, 2021 temporarily suspended the use of AstraZeneca's Covid-19 vaccine over concerns about patients developing post-jab blood clots, as the manufacturer and Europe's medicines watchdog insisted the vaccine was safe. Denmark was first to announce its suspension, "following reports of serious cases of blood clots" among people who had received the vaccine, the country's Health Authority said in a statement. (Photo by Miguel MEDINA / AFP)

Rusia ka shënuar 24, 072 raste të reja me koronavirus, 3, 406 prej të cilëve janë raportuar vetëm në Moskë.

Ndërsa që nga fillimi i pandemisë janë shënuar 6, 126, 541 të prekur.

Autoritetet shëndetësore bëjnë me dije se 779 persona kanë humbur jetën, duke e çuar numrin e përgjithshëm në 153, 874 viktima.

Në Rusi është vënë re një rritje e infeksioneve, shkak i së cilës sipas autoriteteve është bërë varianti Delta i Covid.


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